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10 Best Frontend Frameworks to Develop Scalable Mobile & Web Apps


In this exploration, we’ll delve into the top front-end frameworks for app development that are anticipated to play a significant role in the development landscape. From established giants like React and Angular to newer contenders such as Svelte and Vue.js, each framework brings its unique strengths and features.

Let’s understand the evolving trends and emerging technologies in front-end development is essential for staying at the forefront of web application design.

Table of Contents

What is Front-End?

Front-end refers to the user interface and presentation layer of a software application or website that users interact with directly. It involves the design, layout, and functionality that create a seamless and engaging user experience. Front-end technologies include React.JS, Node.JS, Angular, and more, enabling the visual and interactive aspects of digital platforms.

What is the Role of Front-End in Development?

Front-end plays a crucial role in creating the user interface and experience of websites and applications. It helps in translating design concepts into interactive and visually appealing interfaces using technologies like React.JS, Next.JS, Angular, and others. Ensuring responsiveness and compatibility across devices, frontend development collaborates with the design and back-end of the website of the app to deliver a seamless user experience. They stay updated on emerging technologies to enhance and optimize user interfaces.

  1. User Interface Development: Frontend development focuses on creating visually appealing and intuitive user interfaces for websites and applications.
  2. Responsiveness: The front end of websites and applications helps make designs responsive, adapting them to different screen sizes and resolutions for a seamless experience.
  3. Integration with Back-End: Collaborate with back-end designs to integrate front-end code with server-side logic and databases.
  4. User Experience (UX) Enhancement: Focusing on user experience, it implements interactive elements, transitions, and animations to improve overall usability.
  5. Stay Updated on Technologies: Keeping updated on emerging front-end technologies and industry trends is crucial for maintaining a competitive edge.

Frontend development is pivotal in bringing designs to life, ensuring functionality across platforms, and continually improving user experiences through a combination of technical skills and design collaboration.

History of Front-End Frameworks

Front-end frameworks are ready-to-use sets of tools that can help in developing the front end of your apps. The front-end framework offers the basic structure to the design of your website or app.

Front-end frameworks were introduced to make web development easier by providing standardized structures, pre-built components, and coding conventions. It enhances productivity, ensures cross-browser compatibility, and fosters scalability. Popular frameworks have become indispensable, empowering developers to create efficient, secure, and responsive web applications.

Let’s catch up with the history of front-end frameworks.

Early Days (1990s): HTML and CSS were the primary technologies for web development, lacking the organized structure seen in modern frameworks.

Mid-2000s: jQuery gained popularity for simplifying JavaScript tasks and addressing cross-browser compatibility issues.

2010s: AngularJS brought a structured approach to frontend development. React and Vue.js introduced component-based architecture, offering more flexibility.

Late 2010s-2020s: In this decade, modern frameworks like React and Vue.js dominated, emphasizing virtual DOM for efficient updates and one-way data flow.

Front-end frameworks continue to evolve, with a focus on performance, developer experience, and adaptability to changing web development paradigms.

How a Front-End Framework Works?

Now that you have come to know about the front-end frameworks, let’s proceed toward how they work.

Front-end frameworks operate by structuring web applications around a component-based architecture, where UI elements are encapsulated into reusable components. They introduce a declarative syntax, allowing developers to describe the desired state of the UI.

Some frameworks, such as React, leverage a virtual DOM to enhance rendering efficiency. Data binding ensures synchronization between the UI and underlying data, with two-way data binding being a common feature.

Let’s proceed toward how they work.

Component-Based Architecture: Front-end frameworks are built around a component-based architecture, where the UI is divided into reusable components. Components encapsulate HTML, CSS, and JavaScript, promoting modularity and maintainability.

Declarative Syntax: Frameworks often use a declarative syntax, allowing developers to describe the desired UI state without specifying step-by-step procedures. This simplifies code and enhances readability.

Virtual DOM (in some frameworks): Frameworks like React use a virtual DOM to optimize rendering. Changes are first made to a virtual representation before being efficiently updated in the actual DOM. This minimizes unnecessary re-rendering, improving performance.

Data Binding: Front-end frameworks facilitate data binding, establishing a connection between the UI and underlying data. Two-way data binding (React, Angular) ensures that changes in the UI automatically update the data model and vice versa.

Routing (for some frameworks): For single-page applications (SPAs), frameworks often provide routing capabilities to manage navigation without full page reloads. This enhances the user experience by creating a seamless, app-like interface.

State Management: Frameworks offer solutions for managing application state. Redux (for React) and Vuex (for Vue.js) are examples that provide a centralized state management system. This ensures a predictable and scalable way to handle the application state.

Build Tools and Optimization: Front-end frameworks come with build tools for tasks like bundling, minification, and transpilation of code. This streamlines the development process and optimizes the final output for production. This helps in reducing the file sizes and improving the loading speed of web applications.

Frameworks may provide routing for SPAs, state management solutions, and build tools for optimization. These features collectively streamline development, enhance code maintainability, and contribute to improved performance and user experiences.

Top 10 Front-End Frameworks 2024

There are various front-end frameworks that you can use to develop the UI/UX of your website or app. We have selected the top 10 front-end frameworks that are used and recommended by developers globally. The graph given below illustrates the percentage of developers using these front-end frameworks globally

Analyzing this graph, you can witness that these front-end frameworks are trendsetters, and using these frameworks you can design an intriguing and interactive UI/UX of your website or app.

  1. React.JS

Now let’s start with the insightful details of the React.JS front-end frameworks.

History of React.JS

React.JS was created in the year 2011 by Jordan Walke and was announced on Facebook’s News Feed. React.JS was announced as an open-platform framework by JSConf US in May 2013. 

Definition of React.JS

React.js, a JavaScript library, simplifies UI development by employing a component-based architecture. Its popularity stems from a virtual DOM for efficient updates, one-way data flow, and JSX, enabling the embedding of HTML in JavaScript. Widely embraced, it’s the foundation of many modern web applications.

Features of React.JS

  • React.js boasts a declarative syntax, promoting easy-to-read code.
  • Its component-based structure facilitates code reusability and maintenance.
  • Virtual DOM optimizes rendering, JSX streamlines UI creation and unidirectional data flow ensures predictable updates.
  • React’s extensive ecosystem and community support contribute to its versatility.

Benefits of React.JS

  • React.js offers performance gains through a virtual DOM and efficient rendering.
  • Being SEO-friendly, it simplifies server-side rendering.
  • Component reusability and a unidirectional data flow enhance code maintainability.
  • Its large community and ecosystem provide ample resources for developers, fostering innovation and continuous improvement.

Apps Made with React.JS

Netflix, Dropbox, YahooMail, WhatsApp, Discord, Airbnb.

When to Choose React.JS

Choose React.js when aiming for scalable, dynamic web applications with a complex user interface. Opt for React when prioritizing a component-based architecture, as it excels in code reusability and maintainability. It’s a strong choice for projects requiring a responsive and interactive UI, where a virtual DOM ensures optimal performance and seamless updates.

Stars on GitHub: 1841380

Pros & Cons of React.JS

Reusable ComponentsHigh Pace of Development
SEO FriendlyPoor Documentation
Performance EnhancementsView Part
Having Java Script LibraryJSX Complexity

  1. Node.JS

The next on our list is Node.JS, let’s go through its varied information in brief.

History of Node.JS

Node.js, initiated by Ryan Dahl in 2009, aimed to create a scalable network application framework. Its evolution saw widespread adoption and community contributions, leading to its establishment as a robust, open-source JavaScript runtime.

Definition of Node.JS

Node.js is a JavaScript runtime that executes server-side code, enabling non-blocking, event-driven architecture. Its popularity is attributed to its efficiency in handling concurrent connections, making it a go-to choice for building scalable network applications.

Features of Node.JS

  • Node.js boasts an event-driven, non-blocking I/O model that enhances scalability.
  • Its package manager, npm, facilitates dependency management.
  • JavaScript-based, it enables unified coding for client and server, promoting code reuse.
  • Node.js supports real-time applications through WebSockets.

Benefits of Node.JS

  • Node.js offers enhanced performance through its non-blocking, asynchronous design.
  • It excels in handling concurrent connections, ensuring scalability.
  • With a large npm ecosystem, it simplifies dependency management.
  • Its JavaScript base fosters code consistency, making it versatile for both server-side and client-side development.

Apps Made with Node.JS

LinkedIn, Mozilla, Uber, GoDaddy, eBay

When to Choose Node.JS

Opt for Node.js when building real-time applications, APIs, or scalable network applications requiring high concurrency. It’s suitable for projects emphasizing asynchronous operations, rapid development, and unifying server-side and client-side code. Choose Node.js when prioritizing efficiency, scalability, and a rich ecosystem for package management.

Stars on GitHub: 98195

Pros & Cons Node.JS

High-PerformanceSingle-threaded Nature
Handling Simultaneous Connections EfficientlyPotential Bottleneck for CPU-intensive Tasks
Use of JavaScript for Client & Server SideComplexity & Reliability Issues
Robust EcosystemDependency on External Modules

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  1. Angular

Now, let’s check out the data of the Angular front-end framework.

History of Angular

Angular, developed by Google, debuted as AngularJS in 2010. Angular 2+, released in 2016, marked a complete rewrite. Evolving steadily, it became a leading front-end framework.

Definition of Angular

Angular stands as an all-encompassing front-end framework designed to develop dynamic web applications. Its popularity lies in features like two-way data binding, dependency injection, and modular architecture, streamlining development.

Features of Angular

  • Angular boasts a component-based structure, facilitating modular development.
  • It provides two-way data binding for automatic updates, dependency injection for modular code, and an extensive set of tools for routing and forms.
  • Angular Universal enables server-side rendering.

Benefits of Angular

  • Angular ensures code modularity, making it easy to maintain and scale.
  • It offers a robust testing environment, facilitating the development of reliable applications.
  • Angular’s two-way data binding enhances real-time updates, and its dependency injection promotes code organization and reusability.

Apps Made with Angular

Forbes, Gmail, PayPal, UpWork, Google Voice.

When to Choose Angular?

Choose Angular for large-scale, enterprise-level applications requiring modularity, maintainability, and a comprehensive set of tools. It’s suitable for projects demanding a structured framework, strong community support, and seamless integration with other technologies.

Stars on GitHub: 92877

Pros & Cons of Angular

Maintained by GoogleSteeper Learning Curve
Large Community & EcosystemLimited SEO Capabilities
Two-way Data BindingLot of Boilerplate Code
Use of TranscriptToo Many Versions

  1. Next.JS

Next.JS is another compelling front-end framework whose details are as follows.

History of Next.JS

Next.js, introduced by Vercel in 2016, aimed to simplify React.js application development. It rapidly evolved, becoming a prominent framework for building React applications.

Definition of Next.JS

Next.js is a React framework that facilitates server-side rendering and simplifies React application development. Its popularity is attributed to its ease of use, automatic code splitting, and optimized rendering.

Features of Next.JS

  • Next.js offers server-side rendering, automatic code splitting, and simplified routing.
  • It supports static site generation and dynamic routing, enhancing performance.
  • API routes enable seamless backend integration, while TypeScript support ensures robust type checking.

Benefits of Next.JS

  • Next.js accelerates development with automatic code splitting and server-side rendering.
  • It enhances SEO by providing efficient rendering.
  • The framework simplifies deployment and hosting, and its built-in CSS support streamlines styling.
  • With TypeScript integration, it offers strong type safety.

Apps Made with Next.JS

Hulu, Invision, Twitch, Starbucks, Uber.

When to Choose Next.JS

You can choose Next.js for React applications requiring server-side rendering, automatic code splitting, and optimal performance. It’s suitable for projects prioritizing SEO, seamless backend integration, and enhanced development speed. Opt for Next.js when a streamlined deployment process and TypeScript support are essential.

Stars on GitHub: 22367

Pros & Cons of Next.JS

Data SecurityBuild Time
Flexible & Responsive ApproachLack of Plugins
Integrated RoutingCost of Flexibility
Fetching of DataAbsence of Internal State Manager

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  1. jQuery

Now, let’s move on to the particulars of jQuery.

History of jQuery

Launched in 2006 by John Resig, jQuery revolutionized JavaScript, offering simplified DOM manipulation and cross-browser compatibility.

Definition of jQuery

jQuery is a fast, lightweight JavaScript library that simplifies HTML document traversal, event handling, and animation. Its popularity soared due to its ease of use and cross-browser support.

Features of jQuery

  • jQuery streamlines the process of manipulating the DOM, handling events, and implementing animations.
  • It provides AJAX support, easing asynchronous data requests.
  • The library’s concise syntax enhances development speed.

Benefits of jQuery

  • jQuery boosts development efficiency by simplifying complex JavaScript tasks.
  • Its widespread adoption ensures extensive community support and a plethora of plugins for added functionality.

Apps Made with jQuery

Twitter, Slack, Reddit, StackShare, Snapchat.

When to Choose jQuery

It is better to choose jQuery for projects requiring rapid development, especially when dealing with DOM manipulation and cross-browser compatibility. It’s ideal for small to mid-sized projects where a lightweight library can streamline tasks without the need for a full framework.

Stars on GitHub: 58137

Pros & Cons of jQuery

Ease of UseLimited Functionality
Large LibraryJavaScript File Required
Opensource CommunitySlows Down Webpages
Ajax SupportPoor Backward Compatibility

  1. Backbone.JS

Now, check out the comprehensive specifics of Backbone.JS.

History of Backbone.JS

Backbone.js, released in 2010 by Jeremy Ashkenas, aimed to provide structure to web applications, serving as a lightweight framework.

Definition of Backbone.JS

Backbone.js is a JavaScript framework offering models, views, collections, and routers, providing structure for client-side applications. Though not as widely adopted as some frameworks, it remains relevant for certain use cases.

Features of Backbone.JS

  • Backbone.js offers models for data management, views for user interface components, collections for groups of models, and routers for handling navigation.

Benefits of Backbone.JS

  • Backbone.js provides a lightweight structure for applications, enhancing organization and maintainability.
  • It’s well-suited for projects where a minimalistic approach is preferred.

Apps Made with Backbone.JS

Trello, Pandora, USA Today, Enigma, SoundCloud.

When to Choose Backbone.JS

Backbone.js can be a good choice for smaller projects or applications where a lightweight structure is sufficient. It’s a good fit when flexibility is paramount, and you want to avoid the overhead of larger frameworks for simpler applications.

Stars on GitHub: 255896

Pros & Cons of Backcone.JS

Architecture PatternNo Strict Structure
Framework SynchronizationNot Suitable for Complex Apps
Imperative Programming ParadigmNot Supports 2-way Data Binding
Easy to LearnLightweight

  1. Django

Django is also a stunning framework to consider for front-end development. Let’s go for some of its information in detail.

History of Django

Django, introduced in 2005 by Adrian Holovaty and Simon Willison, is a high-level Python web framework named after jazz guitarist Django Reinhardt.

Definition of Django

Django is a robust, open-source web framework for Python, known for its “don’t repeat yourself” (DRY) philosophy. It’s highly popular for its simplicity and rapid development capabilities.

Features of Django

  • Django offers an ORM, admin panel, authentication, and URL routing.
  • It follows the Model-View-Controller (MVC) architectural pattern and includes built-in tools for database interactions and security.

Benefits of Django

  • Django simplifies development with its DRY principle, emphasizing code reusability.
  • Its built-in admin interface streamlines content management, while its comprehensive documentation and strong community support contribute to its appeal.

Apps Made with Django

Instagram, National Geographic, Mozilla, Spotify, Pinterest.

When to Choose Django

Choose Django for rapid development of secure and scalable web applications, especially when leveraging Python’s simplicity is advantageous. It’s ideal for projects requiring robust features like authentication, admin panels, and database interactions without sacrificing development speed.

Stars on GitHub: 255896

Pros & Cons of Django

Speed & ScalabilitySlows Down Website
Community SupportNot Suitable for Simpler Apps
Imperative Programming Paradigmlack of Conventions
VersatilityWide Range of Support Resources

  1. Vue.JS

Below are some points for the Vue.JS front-end framework.

History of Vue.JS

Vue.js, created by Evan You, emerged in 2014 as a progressive JavaScript framework, gaining popularity for its simplicity and flexibility.

Definition of Vue.JS

Vue.js stands out as a progressive front-end framework designed to craft user interfaces seamlessly. It’s renowned for its ease of integration, component-based architecture, and gentle learning curve, making it popular among developers.

Features of Vue.JS

  • Vue.js features a reactive data-binding system, a component-based architecture, and a virtual DOM for efficient updates.
  • It supports declarative rendering and directives, simplifying UI development.

Benefits of Vue.JS

  • Vue.js excels in simplicity, enabling quick integration into projects.
  • Its component-based structure enhances code reusability and maintainability.
  • Vue.js is known for its small size and optimal performance.

Apps Made with Vue.JS

Grammarly, GitLab, Behance, Adobe Portfolio, Trivago

When to Choose Vue.JS

Vue.js is good for projects requiring a flexible and scalable front-end framework. It’s well-suited for both small and large applications, especially when prioritizing simplicity, ease of integration, and a gradual learning curve for developers.

Stars on GitHub: 9833

Pros & Cons of Vue.JS

Beginner-FriendlyLack of Scalability
Virtual DOMShort of Plugins
CompatibilityExcessive Code Flexibility
SegregationLimitations in Use of Community

  1. Ember.JS

Check the details of another front-end framework Ember.JS.

History of Ember.JS

Ember.js, released in 2011, originated from SproutCore and aimed to simplify web application development.

Definition of Ember.JS

Ember.js is a robust JavaScript framework tailored for developing ambitious web applications. Its opinionated structure and conventions enhance development speed. While not as widely adopted as some frameworks, it has a dedicated user base.

Features of Ember.JS

  • Ember.js provides a convention-over-configuration approach, a robust templating engine, and an ORM for data management.
  • Its Ember CLI simplifies project setup and maintenance.

Benefits of Ember.JS

  • Ember.js emphasizes convention, reducing configuration overhead.
  • It offers a complete solution for ambitious web applications, streamlining development with a set structure.
  • Its active community and dedicated tools contribute to its reliability.

Apps Made with Ember.JS

Square, Discourse, LinkedIn, 

When to Choose Ember.JS

Choose Ember.js for projects requiring a fully-featured and opinionated framework. It’s ideal for large-scale applications where a convention-over-configuration approach is advantageous and when a well-defined structure enhances team collaboration and code maintainability.

Stars on GitHub: 496423

Pros & Cons of Ember.JS

Fast PerformanceLimited Community Support
Structured NatureDifficult to Implement Complex Features
Time-SavingLack of Extensive Support
Regular UpdatesHandlebars Affects Performance

  1. Svelte

Front-end frameworks Svelte consist of discrete details.

History of Svelte

Svelte, introduced in 2016 by Rich Harris, rethinks front-end development by shifting much of the work to build time instead of runtime.

Definition of Svelte

Svelte is a component-based front-end framework that compiles components into highly optimized JavaScript at build time. Its popularity stems from its simplicity and efficient approach.

Features of Svelte

  • Svelte features a simple syntax, automatic code splitting, and efficient rendering.
  • It shifts the heavy lifting to build time, resulting in smaller runtime code.

Benefits of Svelte

  • Svelte minimizes runtime overhead by moving work to build time, leading to faster, smaller applications.
  • Its simplicity reduces boilerplate, and its reactive updates enhance development efficiency.

Apps Made with Svelte

NBA, Apple, Yelp, New York Times, IKEA.

When to Choose Svelte

Svelte can be helpful for projects prioritizing small bundle sizes, efficient runtime performance, and a straightforward development approach. It’s suitable for applications where build-time optimizations and a reactive paradigm align with project requirements.

Stars on GitHub: 67243

Pros & Cons of Svelte

No Virtual DOMRelatively Smaller Ecosystem
Less BoilerplateUnique UX
Truly ReactiveIDE Support
Easier to LearnSmall Open-source Ecosystem


Factors to Consider While Choosing a Front-End Framework

There are various factors that you should look for in a front-end framework before selecting it for developing your app or website. Let’s go through some of those factors:

  • Architectural Pattern & Use Case

When selecting a front-end framework, carefully assess the architectural pattern it follows, ensuring it aligns precisely with your project’s complexity and specific use cases. Whether it’s the traditional MVC (Model-View-Controller), MVVM (Model-View-ViewModel), or other emerging patterns, the choice should reflect the scalability, maintainability, and extensibility needs of your application.

  • Performance

Performance considerations play a pivotal role in choosing a front-end framework. Evaluate the framework’s efficiency, especially in terms of rendering speed, resource utilization, and responsiveness. This assessment is crucial, particularly for applications with high traffic volume or those requiring real-time data processing. Opt for a framework that meets or exceeds your performance expectations.

  • Integration with Existing Technologies

A seamless integration with your existing technology stack is essential for a cohesive and efficient development process. Consider how well the chosen front-end framework integrates with your backend, databases, and any other third-party tools your project relies on. Compatibility and smooth data flow within the entire technology ecosystem contribute significantly to project success.

  • Size of Community

The size and vibrancy of the community around a front-end framework are pivotal factors in your decision-making process. A large, active community often translates to better support, a wealth of resources, and a robust ecosystem. It signifies that the framework is well-maintained, has a broad user base, and is likely to have continuous updates and improvements. A thriving community enhances the chances of finding solutions to issues, staying updated on best practices, and ensuring the long-term sustainability of your project.

Wrapping Up!

As we conclude our exploration of the top front-end frameworks for 2024, it’s evident that the landscape is dynamic, with frameworks catering to diverse needs. React and Angular maintain their dominance, while newcomers like Svelte and Vue.js offer fresh perspectives.

The right choice depends on project requirements, scalability, and developer preferences. Navigating this rich ecosystem requires a keen understanding of architectural patterns, performance considerations, integration capabilities, and community support. In the ever-evolving world of front-end development, staying informed and adaptable remains key to crafting exceptional digital experiences.

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Frequently Asked Questions

01- What are the most commonly used front-end frameworks?

React.JS and jQuery are the most commonly used front-end frameworks that are preferred by developers globally.

02- Which frontend framework is most popular?

According to the GitHub report, React has been voted as the most popular front-end framework with 40.58% of votes.

03- When frontend framework is used?

Frontend frameworks are particularly used for front-end development. It is used to design the UI/UX of the website or an app that requires a structured, scalable, and maintainable approach.

04- Which framework is best for front-end development?

All these above-listed frameworks are top front-end frameworks according to their capabilities and other factors that we have mentioned. Still, the best of them are React.JS, Vue.JS, jQuery, Node.JS, and Django.

05- Which are the highest-paid frontend frameworks?

In current times, React is one of the highest-paid front-end frameworks that is used by several developers and admired by people too.