
Hololens - AR Training App

Microsoft HoloLens is a smart glass based on mixed reality. We have created HoloLens application to provide training to show functioning of large printers and assembling of their parts.

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  • Interactive User Interface:

    User can provide live training with its user interface, it takes voice, gaze and gestures as input command. User can call printers and its methods and gestures, gazes are implemented to show functions of printers.

  • Visualization

    Application helps in visualization of real-world scenario. How real printer will work can be visualized to employees in less time and in safe environment.

  • Integration with Physical Places and Things

    HoloLens brings high definition holograms to life in real world and it integrates with our physical places, spaces and things. As in our application it simulates real printers, their parts and shows their functionality.

  • Real-Time Data Readouts

    The augmented reality technology in the HoloLens will give employees analytics on specified objects that are connected to network, giving them the data, they need for their job instantly.

  • Integration with Back-end

    Multiple models with their images and properties can be uploaded through backend to display in the app for training purpose.

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